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Frequently asked questions

Consistent with Virginia and SEC regulations, Piedmont Capital Asset Management LLC (“Piedmont Capital”) has filed and obtained permission to conduct business as a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) through the application of a comprehensive operations document, known as a Form ADV.  Part 2 of the firm’s Form ADV is available to potential clients upon request.

Trade-PMR, Inc. maintains an agreement with First Clearing, LLC ** to execute and clear securities transactions for all accounts. First Clearing will carry and maintain these accounts (as defined by SEC Securities Investors Protection Act) under the terms of the fully disclosed clearing agreement, except as may otherwise be provided in the included Client Account Agreement.

TradePMR is a provider of Brokerage and Custody services to Independent Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) and their clients, including Advisor Services, Trading, Cashiering, Accounts, Technology and Advisor Support.